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Banana Blast and Pop the Pig

In our household we try our best to incorporate some family time every Saturday. This means that we either will watch a movie, or play board games. You can say it’s our family tradition and a fun one too if I may add.

Pop the Pig is a fun game (Ages 4 and up, 2-6 players)
Is a fun game to play and definitely entertaining. All you have to do is pin the spinner, pop hamburgers in the pig’s mouth and pump it’s head. Here is the fun part. The more you pump his head, the more it’s belly grows…it’s really fun to see it’s belly grow bigger and bigger until, it pops!! Now, the player that makes the belly burst will win the game. We love playing Pop the Pig and it’s available at Target, Walmart and Amazon.

Banana Blast (Ages 4 and up, 2-5 players)
We all had a fun time playing this game. All that you need to do is pull the bananas until the Monkey jumps. Sounds fun right! So, basically you roll the dice to see how many bananas you get to pick from the tree top. Now, here is the fun part, one of the bananas will make Banana Joe Jump but it’s a different banana each time. By the way the Monkey’s name is Banana Joe….cute right! This is what we all were hustling for, when the Banana Joe jumps, every player must try to catch him before he hits the ground. The player who does catches Banana Joe get a bonus. At the end everyone counts their bananas to see who the winner is. It’s was indeed a fun game to play. We enjoyed playing Banana Blast and it’s available at both Walmart, Target and Amazon. Please, see our Youtube Video to join in on the fun!


Please, visit Goliath Games website to see and learn more of their games. We had a lot of fun playing the games and hope you enjoyed the video!
Until next post. Have a great day!


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